Invest in mental health recovery, end isolation and elevate lives.

$63,566 raised

$60,000 goal

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GIVE MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY- End Isolation & Elevate Lives

Daily our members face the polarizing impacts of mental illness and stigma. These two forces cause social and economic isolation. Elevation offers hope for sustainable recovery from mental illness at every stage of life, ranging from early intervention for those experiencing a mental health crisis, to a thriving community for senior adults. Elevation House ensures that members overcome the obstacles and LIVE IN MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY. We help members improve health, increase opportunity, and end social and economic isolation by:

  • Developing healthy relationships;
  • Finding purpose through meaningful work in the Clubhouse and community;
  • Becoming stably housed;
  • Achieving educational goals;
  • Accessing wellness supports in a stigma-free environment; and
  • Breaking the cycle of poverty connected to mental illness.

Our members need YOU to invest in mental health recovery today! Give a gift that ends isolation and ELEVATES LIVES!


"I needed housing. I had been homeless after caring for my mom. I needed help to find a place to call my own. Elevation House helped walk me through... It was very overwhelming. I am in a beautiful place now!" -Robin, Member

"Elevation House helped me get through a very trying time in my life where I was depressed because I didn't have a job. Then, when they found me this job it gave me confidence in myself and really helped my self-esteem; really got me out of my depression." -Matthew, Member

"He is more of a blessing to me. He really concentrates and cares about whether or not we are getting along as far as our relationship goes." -Linda, Member Parent